Q & A # 1: Where Do I Begin?

by Cy


I am often asked, where do I commence in my journey towards greater health? Here, I will share my advice for someone transitioning away from an unrestricted omnivorous diet to a more healthful starting point (1, 2). It is important to remember is that this is a personal genesis, not the final destination. This is the minimum point I recommend attaining before attempting to engage in deeper-level detoxification practices. Transition is critically important. Transitioning at one’s own pace to a healthful beginning will serve as a form of “predetoxification” where baseline healthful routines and rhythms are established. Through effective transition, more severe healing crises that some encounter when diving into detoxification uninformed and head first can be avoided. Further, healthful transition invites our body wisdom to guide and propel us to the most outstanding health of our lives!

An important transitional practice is food journaling. I find that many of us aren’t aware of what, when, how much and why we eat. Sometimes we can go on autopilot regarding what enters our bodies. 3-5 days of food journaling should be enough to get an idea of what our habits are. Try to log weekday and weekends since rhythms shift along with our schedules. Be honest and write down the dates, times, what you eat, how much of it, the ingredients and anything significant you are feeling at the time (i.e. anxiety, elation, PMS, joy, sadness, etc.). Since this is meant to be a representative sample of our everyday eating patterns, it is important to record your regular routine.

What follows are five transitional recommendations for beginners. These suggestions are designed to be taken at the pace that works for you in order to lead you to the precipice where you can begin the detoxification process. The pace of these changes depends entirely on you, your constitution, your dietary starting point and level of comfort and dedication to the process (3). Aim high and give it your best!

  1. Personal Responsibility: It sounds so simple, the idea that we must accept full responsibility for ourselves; that every decision we make about what we eat, drink, how we move, think and sleep impacts our state of health. We have been conditioned to rely on outside sources to bestow health upon us. Surrendering our destinies to outside forces isn’t the way to achieve anything we aspire towards, including radiant health. Accepting responsibility for ourselves is about taking our power back and not allowing things like genetics, medical diagnoses, family history, culture, identity, life circumstances, trauma, or anything else determine who we are and what we can accomplish. This isn’t meant to dismiss the impact of these variables and experiences but to assert that they aren’t deterministic, as so many of us are miseducated to believe. When we accept that the power to effect change belongs to us, we can begin the process of transformation.

  2. Eliminate Refined Foods: Food that comes in boxes, cans, the frozen section or any process by which it’s shelf life has been artificially extended must be removed from our diets. The bulk of our shopping should come from the produce aisle. For some, the process of food shopping and preparation may be a prequel to this step. Avoiding food delivery services, eating out and instant “foods” brings us back into control of what enters our bodies. If meat and dairy products are still a part of your diet, seek out the least processed versions possible. Avoid supporting factory farming practices which alter foods with chemicals, antibiotics and hormones. I realize meat, dairy, grains and legumes can be significant addictions. Don’t try to do it all in one day. Pace yourself and move ahead in a way that feels right. If you can make this transition without resorting to meat and dairy substitutes, you’ll have made major headway on your health journey, and in my view, be leaps ahead of many junk food-eating vegans. Effectively you’ll be transitioning towards what some refer to as a “whole food diet” that is plant-based or plant-forward. I understand that this can be a tremendous shift for some who have a learning curve around food preparation or who are accustomed to eating lots or processed items. Try beginning by dedicating a single meal a day to natural, homemade food and build up from there. I believe there is a world of difference between freshly prepared foods made with love and fast and junk “foods.” Exerting greater discernment and agency around your dietary choices will serve you well as you move towards detoxification.

  3. Reconsider Allopathic Medical Approaches: Do you have any ailments, symptoms, or medical diagnoses? Has a physician prescribed you medication, radiation or surgery? Research and explore alternatives. Is there another approach you could be taking? Moreover, have you embraced the reality that the human body is a self-healing organism? Don’t let doctors determine your destiny. Recognize that you can only alleviate symptoms through mainstream medical approaches (4). Root causes are not addressed so real solutions are seldom attained. Consider what lies at the root of your health woes. Find an inspiration, a remarkable human role model who overcame disease by addressing it’s root cause through natural means.

  4. Movement: Move every day in a way that brings you joy. The sage eponymous founder of Pilates said, “Change happens through movement and movement heals.” Joseph Pilates didn’t just say these words but lived them, healing and strengthening himself accordingly (5). If you can take your movement practice outside, better yet! Movement is an important accompaniment to greater health. It positively impacts our body systems giving fortitude to our journey. People have different levels of activity that work for their particular lifestyles. Find what works best for you and do it consistently.

  5. Increase Fruit Intake: Fruit is the principal food that will affect transformation in your body, mind and spirit. It has the highest electrical energy of any food group and can help detoxify and regenerate organs and tissues in the body (6). Let go of any doctor, periodical, personal trainer, diet or guru that claims fruit is bad or too high in sugar. They misunderstand the complexity of fruit sugar which is our body’s fuel. Aim to include more fruit in your diet.

A Few Things to Keep in Mind

Don’t be hard on yourself to the point that you undermine your ability to move forward. Challenge yourself, push ahead and stay motivated, but don’t despair if you veer off course. Just get back on track as soon as you can. Be kind and gentle with yourself with the knowledge that you are progressing towards your goals. Be aware that detoxification symptoms can occur when releasing chemical-containing food products, preservatives and toxins from your system. This doesn’t mean that the dietary changes you are making are unhealthy. If you need to slow things down, try eating raw or cooked vegetables and resting. Remind yourself that this is only the beginning of your journey. Take the time to celebrate your accomplishments and continue on the journey towards the best you imaginable.

Ready to Take it to the Next Level?

Consult with a Detoxification Specialist who can formulate a plan suited to your strengths, weaknesses and needs. I will be offering this service in the near future and will update you on my availability. In the meantime, I am happy to answer questions and direct you to a qualified specialist who can assist you.

Notes and References

(1) Eat Well https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/

(2) Standard American Diet (SAD), the USDA Food Plate, NHS “Balanced Diet” or any other processed and/or state-sponsored series of dietary recommendations

(3) This is not directed towards anyone experiencing acute or life threatening illness. This requires a more intensive approach. I recommend an urgent consultation with an experienced detoxification specialist.

(4) Both allopathic medicine and alternative health are indicted here. Anyone who isn’t helping you to identify the root causes of your ailments cannot facilitate a cure

(5) The History of Pilates, Pilates Foundation https://www.pilatesfoundation.com/pilates/the-history-of-pilates/

(6) Morse, Robert, N.D. The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration. Prescott, AZ: One World Press, p. 103


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